Wednesday, February 16, 2011

bEfOrE I gO tO cLaSs

Writing makes me sane. Aside from the fact that I need air to breathe or talking to make my day. My first entry in this year was lame. I know… Well, I can’t help the ranting. It’s just like I might constipate if I don’t yell it out loud… hehehe…

Anyway, today, it’s 9:22 am and in a moment, I will be teaching (again)… Now I know how my teachers felt way back in high school. Entering a room filled with students who don’t care if you had this intimidating existence. Kids will be kids, but at the age of 18? I think they need a slap on the face.

I remember when I was 18 years old, I had to really work my butt out. School-house was the only routine I had. Once I got home, I rested for a while then had my pen and notebooks working again. I would wake up in the middle of the night and early morning just to review my notes whenever “hell week” was coming. I was even bagged “the loner” since I loved being alone. I mean I loved my solitary life when I was in college. Well, honestly, I was one who most of my classmates manage to leave out. I think it was because I was a city girl or what… anyway, I’m over and done with that. Thanks for maturity knocking down on my earth.

Ten minutes more and I will be seeing faces of students painted with “I-have-no-idea-what-you-are-talking-about”. Sometimes, frustration just gets ahead of you that all you want to do is just shove it off somewhere and say to yourself “just get over with it” then the next thing you know, the bell rings… Ah… the sound of the bell – music to my ears… ;)


SHEI said...

now I know that the sound of the bell is not only music to students' ears, but to teachers as well ;)

psalms121 said...

hahaha. masmalala sa teachers bes.. trust me..