BORACAY ISLAND. Weee!!! I get to visit this place at long last, the best part is... tantararan... all-expenses paid. Thanks to my auntie and uncle. wahehehehe... So, words to describe this vacation... hmmmm... nice beach, sun tan (which I no longer need), early sleep (well, the hotel was on the mountain... hihihi), good food, nice pool, cute angels waking you up, American Idol (yep, we didn't miss this one), coolest water, fine sand, sea shells, foreigners, bikinis, sailing....
Goofing around with the angels during our last night... I really don't recall why, but we ended up laughing so hard...
One of the nicest sunsets I've seen...
Weeee!!!! Talk about holding a man between your fingers... LOL! Next time, I'll try the neck. Hehehe...
The Banana Boat... I had the hardest grip ever in my entire life. Now I know how it feels when they say "you are holding unto dear life... " lol...
Still on the banana boat... Guess what? No need to guess, I think this one's not new, I WAS THE ONLY ONE SCREAMING!!!! hehehe... I don't know, it was just good releasing my nervousness through my lungs and throat!
Playing monopoly with the girls...
Night swimming. They just love being in water.
On our way to island hopping... I'm gonna skip one embarrasing experience. Behlat...
Yeah, looks like am having my "moment" but honestly, I was helping the girls find tiny sea shells.
I and the girls discussing about Mr. Hermit (Puka Shell Beach).
Fiona, you could end up being a model here...
Alta Vista de Boracay. Day time at the beach; night time on the mountain.
Breakky time...

Room... First day... with Kyra...
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