It's summer and most, if not everyone, dread the heat. Everyone complains (even me) about how the heat just destroy's the momentum of having a "great summer". Then the heavens hear this lamenting and He gives you a dose of rain. Yep, when I say a dose, like it's a dose - non stop rain in short. Then, the vicious cycle of complaining runs its course again... It's too ironic that when something comes, we complain, and when we get the opposite, we still complain. No wonder somtimes, we're just stuck to where we are....
Anyway, so this nostalgic feeling this weather gives me today is just so unbearable.
1. I feel homesick
2.I just want to be under the sheets (I could enjoy the bedsore this time...)
3. I don't want to go out
4. I could live with eating soup (like forever?)
Too much for being a weather-lover eh?
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