Monday, March 16, 2009


It's funny how he takes me by surprise. I wasn't expecting this one actually. Not from someone who barely praises anyone...

Anyway, I just want to share simple things that made me really feel like a princess even for a split of second...

1. He was waiting at the gate this morning, and when I came out, he was smiling. While walking towards him, I heard him say "I like the way you look today..." I was quite astonished 'coz he barely praises me... I mean, I was just wearing an old brown shirt and jeans....

2. He calls me PIG. Yeah, I know... Who wouldn't call me if they knew that after I eat, I snooze... LOL... It's just so weird that I find it flattering... Hahaha....

3. Most of the time, he calls me to cook dinner, of course, he's the head chef and I'm the assistant. But I found it weird today that he didn't call me.... hmmmm....

4. I thought I heard him yawn so I asked if he was sleepy, and he said "Are you?", I nod and he just lightly pinches my nose... (drooling...)

5. He always asks me what I want to eat for dinner... If I could just say... YOU.. har3 (naughty gurl...)...

Yeah, I know the mushiness is just like so ewwwwwww... but the heck, he just knocks me off my feet...


Anonymous said...

hala! hi manang. :)

psalms121 said...

hi erik... hehehe...